Hi Peeps! It is our favorite day Fowl Friday, with Fran & Freda! So much is happening our heads are spinning! Freda almost fainted yesterday with Kate's news of spending time with the hunky Curtis Stone in the Holland College kitchen yesterday. She has been watching his shows since she was very young (as she is only 19 now!) It has been quite the summer for her first cooking for the Royals and now Curtis!
We are also so excited about the Blog County Fair happening, Debra is stitching up something for that tomorrow. There are Blue Ribbons and everything, we have been polishing up our eggs ready to enter! It is hosted by the very talented Laura Bray and Vicki O'Dell!
It is also that spooky time of year soon. Debra took a trip to the local dollar store for some fun stuff. Came home all a glitter literally. Got out her new favorite cutting tools and mat by Westcott , a STYROFOAM Brand foam sheet and Project Blocks from Floracraft's MakeitFun brand.
Glitzy Witchy Wreath! only an hour to make! See how easy peasy below! Happy Haunting Fran & the faint Freda!!!

Supplies: Make it Fun 12" Foam Sheet & Project Blocks
Westcott Brand Craft Knife, Scissors & Mat
Black glittery boa, glittered spiders, hat with netting, purple & teal ribbon
Black acrylic paint, Brush, Ruler & Glue

Mark 1 1/4" in around the four sides of sheet. Use the ruler width to do this, makes it very fast and easy. Repeat on both sides. Cut along lines with craft knife. Turn over and finish cutting on reverse side. Carefully push out center to use for another project.

Cut two project blocks in half. Paint blocks and wreath with black paint. Let dry.

Start gluing garland trim along front of wreath. Glue along outside edges as well. One garland is enough for both.

Then it is time for the fun! Glue project bricks together to make a mini wall alternating brick pieces. Glue in lower left corner. Glue hat in upper right corner. Stretch netting over entire wreath. Glue on bats, spiders what ever you like. Tie a 24" loop through top and hang! Boo to You!