I am off to the Garrison Studio to work today! Finishing up the decorations for the Cat show this weekend. I decorate the exhibit hall on Friday. My youngest comes home for the weekend too and my oldest is off work so we will be hanging out at the cat show Saturday! This year's theme is the "Owl and the Pussycat" so I have been making peagreen boats from painted foam core.
I walked past wild rose bushes on my street today, such pink beauties with a delicious aroma, I love living downtown! The houses have history and interesting architecture, the tree lined streets, so many interesting shops and galleries. I have been obsessed with making flowers these days especially pillows, "Posey Pillows".

At our studio we have seven talented artists, Chris, Leigh and Jess create striking pottery. Each of them creates striking unique pieces. More from the studio another day, below photos from our potters. The rustic walls of the studio make a great backdrop for the pottery.
The Barracks shops originally housed ammunition with the soldiers living above, twelve to fourteen to a room. Winters must have been so long and lonely plus very aromatic! The soldiers were from England, home was a long way. During the summer kids can sign up to play soldier for a day with the Calithumpians, a young acting group who are in character for the summer. The kids are so cute marching aorund in long redcoatst that are usually too big for them! Create your Joy! Debra, CEO!