One of my favorite products to work with is Fairfield's Nature-Fil TM bamboo batt. It is so soft plus strong and a delicious creamy color. It is wonderful used as a batt but great as the main fabric. This month I am Fairfield's featured designer and have created a special project along with instructions available on their site.

The Feathery Friends Stocking combines Nature-Fil with a recycled wool sweater, reclaimed buttons and needle felted birds. I wanted to create a soft vintage feel with a touch of whimsy. I definitely have a thing about birds lately! For step by step photo instructions for needle felting check out my How To page. What you don't see is how I managed oh so very awkwardly to hold the tools and the camera at the same time! Another thing about now living alone is I do not have a model anymore for my wearables or someone to hold the camera.
This leads me to my next addition to the site, a second blog "the empty nest chronicles". The "ceo blog" will be for the creative, crafty happenings and "the empty nest" for a light hearted look at this new stage in my life. as always Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!