With only a week to the CHA show we are all busy finishing up new design work, commitments and preparation for the show. Part of this is four days of morning to night on and around the show floor and events and what to wear.
I love dresses and also like to be comfortable. I find feeling good in what you wear is directly related to looking good. If you look good and are comfortable it is great for the confidence. Since sewing is an area that most of my design work is in, I always have a piece on or an accessory that I have made.
For this show I am sewing more than usual. Working with a very small budget for anything new for the show it inspired me to be very creative. I found some great fabrics on sale and hit a sale on belts of four for ten dollars. I also have come to realize even though I spend much of my work time designing items, writing instructions and creating patterns I do not like to follow anyone elses pattern.
I designed this very vibrant black and white dress for myself, super easy, a patternless dress. The fabrics for the dress were $6 and the belt $3 so for less than $10 I have a cute little dress for the show.
I measured around my body added 6" and cut two rectangles. From there using a dress I had as a guide I cut a v-neck and arm holes. Gathered up the shoulders, added a ruffle and trim to both neckline and bottom. Made a couple rose pins from leftover fabric. Added the belt for the finishing touch! The dress to design and make took only three hours. I love how the flirty ruffle on the bottom moves when I walk and at the show there will be a lot of walking! Follow the JOY of Creativity! Debra, CEO!