This week we (Donna Mulholland (Chief Creative Officer at Creativity Matters) and myself held a creative evening, a sample of Jill Badonski's Modern Day Muses program. Donna and I were the only members in the teleclass from the East Coast to receive Muse Faciliatator training. We were a little nervous about how our "A Musedom Evening" would be received.
We held it at our studio and ten amazing women showed up! We greeted them with a dubbing with the Musedom magic wand and a scroll designating their Muse for the evening.
After our brief intro everyone got to create themselves a "no name" tag as their muse and then share their creation. The tags were colorful, feathery, glittered and dazzling in their uniqueness.
Our next playful activity was making art to music, a sort of version of musical paper where the group circled the table dancing to music and just made marks, scribbled with pastels on the page in front of them. It was such fun as the songs changed so did their movement and expression.
The Modern Day Muses provide playful tools for unblocking and inspiring creativity through fun tools, exercises and the "Muses" who embody characteristics to enhance and encourage creativity. We are planning some upcoming Creativity Workshops. We were very grateful to our group who were our "guinea pigs". They were awesome! Follow the JOY always! Debra