Mondays always feel fresh, a new week of opportunities begins. The to-do list is ready to be tackled and accomplished. Not everything gets checked off but what does is impressive. We should always acknowledge our accomplishments.
Are you creating the life you desire? Often it happens gradually, life slides into patterns or behaviour which do not feel authentic. Don't wait around for the day when you say okay this is it I want to live differently. Everyday is an opportunity. We are creative beings who are blessed with intelligence and will to do whatever we want. We have people who love and support us, who see our best selves even when we don't.
In this new year with all of its new lists, intentions and resolutions choose to find the you in the midst of it all. Choose what truly resonates with you. Begin with one wish and explore how to make it part of your life. Make time, fifteen minutes a day will make a difference.
We are sensual beings, our surroundings affect us often more than we realize. When choosing a new calendar for this year I looked at many. The Zen calendar with beautiful photography and an inspirational word for each month was the one. Each time I see January, a bowl of blossoms in pinks and teal with Serene written across the page I feel calm, touched by the beauty and the message.
Choose moments, breathe and reflect, choose what truly matters to you and live your Joy!