Fowl Friday! Fran & Freda here, still without our page YET! but been a busy week in the loft! Debra made her first video, we are hanging out in the background. Thought she was going to introduce us but no she forgot that important step! I guess if we were needle felted like the two little pastel peeps in the video we would have been at least mentioned.
It turned into a very long day as Debra had to make several attempts making the video. Apparently cue cards would have been very helpful as hard as it is to believe she forgot what to say several times. We tried not to laugh and remain professional at all times although Freda did lose her balance once or twice. Not a big deal although one fall caused her to kick Debra's hand and she almost punctured her finger with the needle tool.
More videos will be made and perhaps we will be mentioned. We are going to be on our best behaviour to make that happen. Youtube here we come! Lights, Action, Camera for this feathery fowl! We will sign autographs! Follow the Fowl!