Continuing the Celebrating of National Sewing Month! Fall is in the air literally since last week found me by the pool and this week wearing a long sleeve sweater by the fire. With the change in weather comes the anticipation of fall leaves to enjoy, Thanksgiving and family, holidays ahead. New designs, a book proposal to finish, Halloween costumes to create, (I have a Halloween enthusiast in my life now), gifts to make and a Holiday show to prepare for. My sewing machine will be so very busy! The cool air is invigorating and inspiring!
If you want to be inspired to sew or craft, Creative Homearts has pages of free projects to choose from. The photos and instructions are given for each one. I have several there along with many from other talented designers.
Since Fran & Freda were upset about missing Fowl Friday I am reposting their fall version of themselves. "You too can have your very own pair of cute chicks to decorate with this fall" (Fran dictates, I just type!) Instructions and photo courtesy of Homearts. Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!