Fran here for Fowl Friday! Well it is about time! Debra has been promising us our own page forever and now it looks like it is going to be a reality! She has been updating the website and we got a sneak peek at the link boxes. There we were "Fran & Freda" although since she is making the frames square my feet are cut off! Why she couldn't have cut off Freda's head instead I don't know. Freda as we know doesn't always use her head anyway. She never reads this so no worries...So by the next Fowl Friday our page, lots of pics and our incredible story will be revealed!
We were getting a little concerned as Debra has another cutesy type bird hanging around way too much! Apparently another whole blog is coming for that bird called "the empty nest chronicles". Anyway we are of the opinion cute is way overrated. I would much rather be "interesting looking & highly intelligent" and guess what, I am! Freda has half of it although she sees herself as the cute type. Anyone looks cute after a bottle of wine especially to a rooster! There is a long weekend ahead, enjoy all, barbecue (just not c-h-i-c-k-e-n), swim, hang out with your peeps! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!