We made it!! We are fabulous fall fowl for Creative Homearts! Just go to projects and there we are looking mighty fine if I do say so myself! You too can now have your very own Fran & Freda! (Debra says we should come with a warning label and instruction book but what does she know!) Just keep the champagne flowing along with breakfast in bed and we are easy! (especially Freda, we all know about that rooster from Cape Breton incident) Anyway we are soooo excited, wish I was a rooster, would be crowing from the rooftops!
We are spending the day at home answering congratulory emails and ready to sign autographs for the multitude of fans who will stop by. (Debra says not to expect too much and she is supposed to be the optimist!) We don't care, we are ready with pens in hand um wing and in Freda's case foot. (Her fine motor skills are confined to her feet only!) So we are off to celebrate!!! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!