The day has come! The house is feline free! Freda and I are rid of the feline terrors at last! They left for PEI with Kate, we miss Kate but not the C A T S!!! Freda is doing the happy dance!
I am afraid she is so happy she might pull a muscle or wear out her toes doing the dance! Debra left us for a couple days to get Kate settled in her new place. We partied just a little, well Freda did have some male company, a new rooster friend she met on He swept her off her feet with his Frencch Canadian accent, he is from a farm up near Tracadie, NB. I don't find him particularly charming but apparently Freda does! Anyway we managed to clean up all the evidence before Debra got home! I think she was a litte suspicious with the clink in the garbage bag, Freda likes her wine!
So another week and we are out of here ourselves! Debra is off on a new adventure in a new city. She is smiling a lot and has a happy glow, kind of like Freda's but different. Freda doesn't believe in long term relationships but Debra is a committed kind of gal! So the summer is shaping up to be filled with adventures and travel, if we play our cards right we might be able to sneak into her suitcase now and then. If not we will have fun at home, Freda's Tracadie rooster has GPS and I am looking for a rooster myself. I need a little more intellectual stimulation than Freda does, so a rooster who can put more than three words together is required! So that is the scoop for Fowl Friday! Fran & Freda!
Debra is off tonight for a very special reason, the Relay for Life, twelve hour walk 7pm to 7am in honor of her friend Donna who lost her battle with cancer in April. She walks as part of Team Donna and part of a special event that is committed to celebrating the Survivors, honoring those lost and committed to treatment and finding a cure!