Fran here on Fowl Friday! We are two frazzled fowl! Debra has had us on duster duty everyday, not only is the feather duster getting thin but my tail feathers are falling out. No sympathy around here, Debra just picks them up and glues them into feather duster!
Meanwhile those fluffy felines around here do nothing but spread their hair. Also they might be pretty to the human eye but bright they are not. I know Freda isn't the smartest chick about but she is a genius next to the feline trio. As I peck out this post, the youngest Bella is sitting in the screened window pressing her nose against the screen. On the other side of the screen a very large hornet is buzzing away. I wonder how big a cat's nose can swell? Guess we will find out! or not, Debra will probably rescue the fluff ball! The same fluff ball also thinks the fish bowl is a water dish, apparently climbing on a shelf and stretching as far as you can reach and putting your head into oversized bowl is normal for felines!
Packing is underway and Freda found out that packing tape also is very hazardous to feathers. I wonder what it might do to cats, if they were bald our dusting days would be over! Hmm must ponder that thought and its execution. Debra is busy this weekend.....Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!