Working from home has many benefits. Office attire can be very very casual, pj's are often the choice of many creative people. Hours flexible, short commute time, a walk across the hall most often. Breaks are often to throw in laundry or make a meal or referee kids or pets. Pets are always welcome at the office or studio. My daughter has three cats Milla, Bella and Merlin and when I am in my studio they like to join me. The sunny couch is their spot. I am thinkking I need to hang out a Do Not Disturb sign not for me while working but for the cats naptime. Apparently I am not very exciting company!
This week I am finishing a column for Homearts, writing more instructions for some other projects and getting details together for a big event, more later on that!
My daughter and I are also having a big yard sale this weekend. She will be leaving the nest soon and can use some extra funds. I am looking at downsizing so it is time for things to have a new home. I am being ruthless or trying to be, it is easy letting go of things you don't care for but when you still like something even if it is not useful anymore that is harder to decide. I found setting limits is working, for example only one container for fleece means what doesn't fit in the container has to be sold or donated. My daughter has been selling some larger items on Kijiji which is like Craigs List and as each item leaves I feel lighter. It is time to have less, to be free from stuff making more time for experiences and simplicity. So it is onward with the purge, not holding my breath for any help from our feline family! Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!