This week with several International Women's Day events happening locally I have been out exhibiting my Design & Creativity business. I have been asked many times so exactly what do you do. My short answer is I am a Professional International Author, Licensed Designer, Consultant & Creativity Coach in the Craft & Sewing Industries. I have also been following discussions this week around the topic of defining who we are and what we do. "Designer" is a very broad term which has to be narrowed and tailored with explanation. My experience and knowledge allows me to be flexible and adaptable, creative in working with my clients to give them the best support and results. I enjoy my work very much and the people in these industries are wonderful, it is a creative community but I also am a professional who earns a living in this field. The dilemma that is arising more and more is we are asked to do more work on spec, give more work away for free and if we don't there is a creative enthusiast who for the thrill of being published will. I do believe in sharing the love of creativity but I, we also need to be valued for our expertise and time. I am very fortunate to work with amazing editors and manufacturers, it is challenging times for everyone but working together and being a Creative Eternal Optimist! I believe we are moving in very interesting directions. The world needs more creativity, meaningful playtime! This discussion also brings up the question, How do you define yourself? Take some time to consider and be amazed at who you are. Always Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!