Well the unthinkable is about to happen in this Fowl's world! Another feline is about to enter the premises. Freda was doing the happy dance when one cat just left with the oldest daughter moving out but another one arrives Monday! Bella Blue, another one of those hairy floppy ragdoll cats. What these people see in the feline species we do not know. Freda is so upset she is roosting on top of the bookcase in the office and of course her being in the family way, is there no consideration for her!
Freda & I were thinking of a hunger strike in protest but that seems a bit drastic, low blood sugar and all can't risk it. Any strike in general won't work as apparently it is a done deal and apparently our contribution to household life is next to nil according to Debra. Luckily she needs our very witty input for Friday's Fowl Friday blog, our words not hers exactly. (sigh) Well nothing left to do but accept the new feline and hang onto our tail feathers for dear life. Felines have a very strange affectation for feathers, I suggest much needed therapy for the condition! Till next Friday when we will be back hopefully with all our feathers intact! Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! (Debra insisted so below is the feline who is arriving, yuch!)