The CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) tradeshow is held in Anaheim the end of January. It is where the crafting world truly comes together. There are members from more than thirty countries. I belong to the Designer section of the membership and yesterday was announced the new Designer Display for the show. Along with the show's marketing staff, another fellow designer Candice Windham we are organizing the display. The show's theme is International and the response to the CHA Designer Global Display has been overwhelming. Thirty designers will create a design based on thirty countries, all who are members of CHA. Each designer will take their inspiration from the crafts of their individually chosen country. These will be showcased in a glass case on the show floor.
Last year the same format with an Eco Friendly theme resulted in designers acquiring, magazine articles, book deals and other opportunities from their one design in the Gallery. Quality prevails always, one great design says it all!
Quality in all things especially life, take a breath and reflect on the day ahead. Is there quality in it or has quantity, too much to do overshadowed the quality of your work, your time, your well being. Value yourself today, take time to relax and return to work rejuvenated. You are so worth it! Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!