I am getting ready for two days of travel, flying out of this small part of Canada often entails a bus or car ride before the actual plane which is often three connections. It is always interesting and leads to an adventure often. Sometimes my luggage has a more exciting trip than I do ending up in a city I have not even visited! Travelling the web is a much easier trip however where you end up often has nothing to do with where you thought you were going! After being at CHA in Orlando I got a chance to meet up with some favorite web connections and some new ones. My first Facebook application in spring 2006 was Scrapblog, their first month in existence. How they have grown and what a wonderful group of people! You can create a beautiful scrapbook on line and have it printed into an actual book using the most current and popular designers papers, stickers like Claudine Hellmuth. In fact the whole Scrapblog team were featured as a group of Claudine's Poppits in the books they had printed especially for CHA.

I had a chance at the show to meet Rebecca Peck of the Fiskateers, actually it was the evening Fran & Freda made fools of themselves. I believe they ended up in a shot involving several beverages and mouse ears! Rebecca interviews interesting crafty, creative types and of course Fiskars have the best products, 350 years in business! So Fran & Freda will have lots to talk about when they return from their travels when Rebecca interviews them (us, their vocabulary is sometimes limited)
So off to finish packing and round up two teens who would rather be travelling alone hopefully I will survive and as the Eternal Optimist win them over! If you roll your eyes too much will they get stuck?