My blog has been neglected even though there has been a lot of Making and Celebrating Heart, Home and Holidays happening. It is a big year, I turned 70 and took some time to kind of process "how did that happen?" In the end very grateful to be here with a full life, a darling man, children, twelve grandlittles, creative pursuits and our lovely B&B.

In a few weeks, July 17-21st I am headed to my first creative conference in five years. The Society of Wildflowers Conference in Laguna Beach is a new, amazing conference of creativity and wellbeing for women. (Photo from
Some of my very favourite creative people will be there, attending and teaching. Organized by the amazing Christie Troxell of Ritzy Parties and taking place at the Art Hotel at Laguna Beach. I am so very excited I will also be teaching and speaking. My classes are a lovely Wildflower Art Doll and Felt Flowers Bouquet or Love Letter Envelope.

"Our Mission and Purpose"
"Our mission is to "S.O.W." Empowerment, as a gardener sows seeds. "S.O.W." is the acronym for our community, the Society of Wildflowers. Our leadership is comprised of inspiring female leaders with a common purpose. We are passionately dedicated to providing women with an opportunity to access true self-empowerment; to cultivate their lives and embrace themselves as Wildflowers.
We are committed to providing access to the divine feminine energy that is the wellspring of us all."
Each event has been thoughtfully curated. A full immersion into a magical wildflower garden to fill the mind, body, heart and spirit.
Our lives are full and our roles of caretakers and directors, partner, mother, work, home fill the space. Sowconf. is about taking time to just be and to immerse into a place where it is all about you and your well being, just to be nurtured and to share with other lovely beings.
So this 70 year old grandmother of twelve is packing up her favourite floral dresses, her passionate spirit and sense of adventure headed to the Society of Wildflowers!
Here is to the Magic!