Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass were two of my favorite books as a young girl. I still have both books in my library. I haven't seen the new movie out yet but saw the first Alice movie. Alice, the young woman reminded me of the Alice portrayed in the pictures in my book, compelling, strong in a world of strangeness and yet enchanting at the same time.
The lesson, the reminder is we are all an Alice, we can create our own lives, our own Wonderland. It took me many years to arrive and here I am living in a house built at the same time Lewis Carroll was writing Alice in Wonderland. Each day the high ceilings, the Victorian architecture, the library filled with books, the settee in the early morning sun of the parlor. I have stepped back in time to my best life, my spirit from another era but my heart firmly in the present day of my handsome love and all my darling grandlittles. It reads like a fairy tale but like Alice it took brave moments, energy, trust and determination to arrive.
So be you, find your Alice and create your Wonderland!