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Debra Quartermain Design

Society of Wildflowers
Headed to this beautiful
conference to teach and be
immersed in a field of 
lovely wildflower beings.
More details here.

WeLcoMe to my world of Whimsy & Wonder, Darling & Delightful DeSIgN, Heartfelt & Delicious Celebrations! Stroll into Serendipity & STyLe! Join in the JoY & Love! Be InsPirEd to Make & Celebrate a LusCious & Creative Life! 

Debra Quartermain Design

 Magical Mimi to Grandlittles, I love to create, decorate & celebrate. Sharing  joy and inspiration from our 200 year old home, Quartermain House B&B on the east coast of Canada.

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    Debra Quartermain Design
    Fredericton, NB
    Web Design Debra Quartermain
    Illustration Deborah Peyton
    Content copyright Debra Quartermain

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